Now Offering: Private Events with Vintage Green Design at Moxie Mercantile in Matthews
Fill out the form below to start planning your private event to celebrate a special occasion or simply celebrate great friendships.
Moxie + Vintage Green Design Private Event Form
Easter Centerpiece Workshop
Hop on over to our Easter Centerpiece Workshop, led by the fabulous owner and designer of Vintage Green, Melissa Gryspeerdt. With chicks and plenty of lush greens, you'll create a beautiful centerpiece that'll bring all the spring vibes to your home. It's going to be an egg-cellent time—join us for a fun, hands-on experience that'll leave you with a whimsical and charming creation to brighten your holiday table! Space is limited.
Thursday April 10th, 6-7:30pm. Moxie Mercantile Matthews: 159 N. Trade St, Matthews
Betty Bookworms Every Friday 9:30 am-10:30 am
Free book reading/entertainment for kiddos and coffee for the caretakers.
1219 Thomas Ave, Charlotte 28205
Email if you'd like to be a Betty Bookworms reader.